The CFEE is pleased that after the last strenuous and restrictive months of the pandemic, a "holiday program light" could take place. The planned holiday camp in Mainz/Wiesbaden for our young residents was quickly converted into a summer holiday program due to the increasing infection dynamics.
... is coming to an end. The corona pandemic has also presented us and the residents of our accommodation with new challenges this year.
A three-fold thunderous "Egelsbach Helau"... employees and residents of the Christian Refugee Aid Egelsbach/Erzhausen also took part in the campaign alliance #EgelsbachIstMehr. Under the motto "We love it colorful and not brown", all participants had a lot of fun, enjoyed the exuberant atmosphere and the good weather.
There is a report and lots of pictures on the website #EgelsbachIsMore.
The press response can be found on op online.