The Christian Refugee Aid Egelsbach/Erzhausen works for refugees in accordance with its statutory mandate and its Christian self-image. A fundamental component of our task is to provide humane accommodation for refugees, which takes into account their individual living conditions. Social pedagogical tasks are carried out by specialists. Volunteers help us achieve our goals through their support. These are the accompaniment, care and integration of refugees.
The aim of our work is for refugees to find a protected home, to be supported according to their possibilities, to learn the German language, to make contacts and to shape their integration process in a participatory and active manner, as well as to be recognized in their individuality.
Commitment against violence
We reject violence in all forms. We are committed to addressing people's special need for protection through targeted offers and ensuring their protection. This is particularly true for women and children. When it comes to protecting against violence, we pay particular attention to non-violent and respectful interactions.
Living together
We are committed to working together with mutual respect and support. We act in accordance with our Christian attitude with mutual respect, appreciation, openness and on an equal footing, regardless of origin, task and regardless of full-time or voluntary work.
We respect the values of our constitution. The different ethical values of people from different countries with different religious affiliations and cultural backgrounds are taken into account in this framework.
We promote Christian social commitment together with church communities, non-profit organizations and public bodies and strengthen the coexistence of the diversity of all people who live with us. We create meeting spaces and strengthen the community through joint activities and projects.