Paying is an everyday process. You can usually choose freely: cash, card or smartphone. This will no longer apply to refugees in the future. The federal and state governments have decided to introduce their own payment cards for them. Refugees should, if possible, no longer have any free money at their disposal.
Read more: Payment card for refugees – designed for everyday use
... the new website. We had a lot of wishes. It should be multilingual and of course barrier-free. It should contain a lot of information about Egelsbach, volunteer work and the CFEE. And anyone who wants to donate should be able to do so easily via Paypal. A secure area for the residents of the CFEE accommodation should be created so that they can make appointments with social workers, view cleaning and washing machine schedules and much more. Much of this is already working, and some is still to come. So feel free to browse around and come back ;-)
It was a moving ecumenical service on May 1st in the garden of Wolfsgarten Castle and a very hopeful ecumenical service on Pentecost at the dog lovers in Egelsbach.
The collection at both services was intended for the CFEE. Over €2.500 was raised. That's a strong sign! It's good to feel the great support of the Egelsbach and Langen community members. Thanks.
The women's café at CFEE Egelsbach is an initiative that was launched in 2011 by Nadja Aboulenein and brings women from different cultures and countries together. The aim then, as now, is to create a space for exchange, encounters and support.
On November 3rd, 2023, some members of FOODSHARING Landkreis Offenbach West eV - known as FLOW for short - were guests at our monthly women's café.
Under the organization of Ms. Ronja Best, the Christian Refugee Aid organized an Easter holiday program for children between 7 and 12 years old. On average, 13 children per day took part in the program, which was financed thanks to the help of donations.
... was the motto of this year's carnival parade. It took us two hours to implement the motto through Egelsbach and we had a lot of fun doing it. In addition to sweets, we gave flowers to everyone who stood at the side of the road shouting "Helau". What is nicer and more effective than a personal encounter when it comes to arriving in the town.
Summer party, project week, women's café, get together, Christmas party. ...
A lot has happened in 2022 without being widely reported. Here are a few visual impressions
The CFEE is pleased that after the last strenuous and restrictive months of the pandemic, a "holiday program light" could take place. The planned holiday camp in Mainz/Wiesbaden for our young residents was quickly converted into a summer holiday program due to the increasing infection dynamics.